Disaster Photos
Tri-EPIC Regional Emergency Planning Committee
Core Members: Towns of Brimfield, Charlton, Douglas, Dudley, Oxford, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Webster, and Harrington Memorial Hospital
in partnership with: American Red Cross, Central MA EMS Corp., Central Region Homeland Security Council,
MA Emergency Management Agency, MA State Police, Overlook Life Care, Radius Healthcare
Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering during emergencies and disasters?
Contact the Emergency Management Director for your Town.

For other volunteer opportunities see the information at the following links:

Harrington Hospital
Town of Charlton
Town of Dudley
Town of Oxford
Town of Southbridge
Town of Sturbridge
Town of Webster
American Red Cross of Central Massachusetts

Millennium Power
Proud Sponsor of Tri-EPIC

Calendar of Events
Tri-EPIC REPC Meetings are posted on the Home Page

Preparedness in Focus

Local Weather
Click for the latest Charlton weather forecast.

Local Traffic Info


Medical Reserve Corps

Do 1 Thing