Tri-EPIC Regional Emergency Planning Committee
Core Members:
Towns of Brimfield, Charlton,
Webster, and
Harrington Memorial Hospital
in partnership with: American Red Cross, Central MA EMS Corp., Central Region Homeland Security Council, MA Emergency Management Agency, MA State Police, Overlook Life Care, Radius Healthcare
Preparedness - Pets
The Humane Society of the United States recommends the following actions to make sure your pets are taken care of when everyday events like these prevent you from taking care of your pets:
Find a trusted neighbor and give them a key to your house or barn. Make sure this person is comfortable and familiar with your pets.
Make sure the neighbor knows your pets' whereabouts and habits, so they will not have to waste precious time trying to find or catch them.
Create a pet emergency/disaster kit and place it in a prominent place where your neighbor can find it.
If the emergency involves evacuation, make sure the neighbor would be willing to take your pets and has access to the appropriate carriers and leashes. Plan to meet at a prearranged location.
If you use a pet sitting service, they may be available to help, but discuss the possibility well in advance.
Additional information is available at:
Preparing Your Pets for Emergencies Makes Sense
Disaster Preparedness for Pets – Humane Society of the U.S.
Emergency Pet Preparedness – ASPCA
Proud Sponsor of Tri-EPIC
Calendar of Events
Tri-EPIC REPC Meetings are posted on the Home Page
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