Disaster Photos
Tri-EPIC Regional Emergency Planning Committee
Core Members: Towns of Brimfield, Charlton, Douglas, Dudley, Oxford, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Webster, and Harrington Memorial Hospital
in partnership with: American Red Cross, Central MA EMS Corp., Central Region Homeland Security Council,
MA Emergency Management Agency, MA State Police, Overlook Life Care, Radius Healthcare
Preparedness - Children

School or Day Care

Know your child's school or day care emergency plan.

Find out where children will be taken in the event of an evacuation during school hours.

Keep your contact information up-to-date at your child's school.

Authorize a friend or relative to pick up your children in an emergency and let the school know who that designated person is.

Put your child's emergency plan card on file at his or her school.

Teach Your Children...

Their basic contact information.

How to dial your home telephone number and important cell phone numbers.

How and when to dial 911. Role play 911 calls with them.

How to reach an "out-of-area" family contact.

What to do if a parent becomes ill and the child is home alone.

What natural gas smells like and what they should do if they smell it.

Basic emergency response plans, such as your family evacuation plan and Drop, Cover, and Hold On (PDF), and practice them together.

Additional information is available at:

Ready Kids – Be Prepared for Every Situation
Disaster Preparedness for Children with Special Needs
Millennium Power
Proud Sponsor of Tri-EPIC

Calendar of Events
Tri-EPIC REPC Meetings are posted on the Home Page

Preparedness in Focus

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Medical Reserve Corps

Do 1 Thing