Disaster Photos
Tri-EPIC Regional Emergency Planning Committee
Core Members: Towns of Brimfield, Charlton, Douglas, Dudley, Oxford, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Webster, and Harrington Memorial Hospital
in partnership with: American Red Cross, Central MA EMS Corp., Central Region Homeland Security Council,
MA Emergency Management Agency, MA State Police, Overlook Life Care, Radius Healthcare
Preparedness - Businesses & Employers

No business should risk operating without a disaster plan.

As reported by the SBA in 2006, up to 25 percent of small businesses do not reopen after a major disaster like a flood, tornado or earthquake. These shuttered businesses were unprepared for a disaster; they had no plan or backup systems.

When you start to develop your disaster plan, consider three subjects: human resources, physical resources and business continuity. Think about how a disaster could affect your employees, customers and workplace. Think about how you could continue doing business if the area around your facility is closed or streets are impassable. Think about what you would need to serve your customers even if your facility is closed.

Additional information is available at:

Ready Business
Business Continuity Planning
Plan to Stay in Business
Talk to Your People
Millennium Power
Proud Sponsor of Tri-EPIC

Calendar of Events
Tri-EPIC REPC Meetings are posted on the Home Page

Preparedness in Focus

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Medical Reserve Corps

Do 1 Thing