Disaster Photos
Tri-EPIC Regional Emergency Planning Committee
Core Members: Towns of Brimfield, Charlton, Douglas, Dudley, Oxford, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Webster, and Harrington Memorial Hospital
in partnership with: American Red Cross, Central MA EMS Corp., Central Region Homeland Security Council,
MA Emergency Management Agency, MA State Police, Overlook Life Care, Radius Healthcare
Specific Disasters of Local Concern - Hurricane

A hurricane or tropical cyclone is a storm system characterized by a low pressure center and numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds and flooding rain. Tropical cyclones feed on heat released when moist air rises, resulting in condensation of water vapor contained in the moist air. They are fueled by a different heat mechanism than other cyclonic windstorms such as nor'easters, European windstorms, and polar lows, leading to their classification as "warm core" storm systems.

The term "tropical" refers to both the geographic origin of these systems, which form almost exclusively in tropical regions of the globe, and their formation in Maritime Tropical air masses. The term "cyclone" refers to such storms' cyclonic nature, with counterclockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise rotation in the Southern Hemisphere. Depending on its location and strength, a tropical cyclone is referred to by many other names, such as hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm, tropical depression, and simply cyclone.

Additional information is available at:

Hurricane Preparedness
Natural Hazards – Hurricanes
Millennium Power
Proud Sponsor of Tri-EPIC

Calendar of Events
Tri-EPIC REPC Meetings are posted on the Home Page

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Medical Reserve Corps

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